The effervescent "These Times" complete with Philly styled keyboards and rattling percussion - Candido style - is superb. This is a great, great track and again owes more to the late 70s than the close of the first decade of the 21st Century! Again, vocalist Rachel Claudio works well on this groove, giving her all in a Meli'sa Morgan type fashion. And that can't be bad. If you like this please check out the latest Cool Million single - I know you will love that too. "Coffee" has a brilliant TSOP vibe and, boy, did this make me break out into a huge smile. There's nothing greater than the power of real good music to make you feel fantastic, and as soon as the vibes kick in atop this rattly, shaky vibe one harks back to the days of Vincent Montana Jr. That's good enough for me! The zingy strings and party vibe of "Do You Even Know" add more weight to this album's worth as a serious purchase, and on here the vibe almost strays into early '90s soulful dance a la Ce Ce Peniston. Knowing the good people who frequent this website, I know that this album will definitely be on your wants list. Doubters, should there seriously be any, need look no further than the brilliant dancer "Holding Her Close" for a final, definite push in the right direction. An essential album, and let's face it, the party season IS almost upon is...and it's better to have this in stock that...umm...agadoo?????
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
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