Most albums are covered here - at least his Epic output at least. Many of my favourites are on here, as I suspect many of yours too. "The Night I Fell In Love" is my first choice...this 1985 track is simply sublime, as is "Creepin'" and "My Sensitivity" from the same set. These tracks succinctly sum up the man...soulful, superior and so...Luther. I can't hear "Give Me The Reason" without getting chills. This is still an amazing track is it not?! Talking of amazing, CD 2 contains the KILLER "Never Too Much" - a song that always lifts me out of the doldrums, and another track that floored me from first hearing in 1988 was the beautiful "Any Love". "So Amazing" is another clear choice but the track I really would have included here is "There's Nothing Better Than Love", the 1986 duet with the also late, great Gregory Hines. This CD contains two tracks that were only previously available on compilations, notably the MOR-ish "It's All About You" and the more soulful and relevant "She's So Good For Me" - both are worthwhile efforts, and it's welcome to have them included here on this CD, especially the latter song. For the whiskerless youth, the RnB whippersnappers out there or the passing Radio 2 housewife this compilation will suffice, but readers here, the ardent supporters will already have all the CDs I am sure - but I thank all concerned for keeping this stellar talent in the public eye and heart with this timely album.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
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