You are probably aware that I LOVE, no, more like ADORE the 1980s soul scene and not a week goes by where I like to bask in it's warmness and soak up all the grooves, finesse, class and uniqueness that decade had to offer. Warming it is too that many artists - mostly outside of the US - are returning to that classic era to create new soulful grooves with a beat, a melody and plenty of get-up-and-go. No surprises then that this CD, very much in an 80s fashion, is one that I can wholeheartedly recommend to you. If the uptempo dance sounds a la Kashif, Paul Laurence etc of say 1983 - 1985 is up your street then this new album is right up your street! This CD is released via Highsteppin' Records in Germany, and the concept sprung from Mannheim residents and DJs Nanthara Vorabouth and Zeljko 'Jelly Jam' Pijuk Schmitt. Nanthara and Zeljko have written, produced and mixed this feel-good collection of quality uptempo 80s soul grooves aimed right at your heart and the dancefloor. tune on here...from the outset of "Toe The majority of the album is instrumental. Please, do NOT be put off by this. I cannot emphasise enough how superb, fresh and attention-holding this album is from start to finish. I'm not exactly a fan of instrumentals, and I would definitely prefer vocals more prevalent but no-one can deny the sheer excellence and addictiveness of this CD.
I recommend every single track from "Toe Jammin'" - or more apt a title should be 'Feet Movin'" - through the serious jam of "80s Babies" - a cut to make the most ardent of groovers grin like a loon - and ethereal numbers such as "Just Feel It" I cannot fail to be impressed. This cut really is strong and I can imagine this as an instrumental flip side to a tune that Evelyn King would have laid down on RCA in the early 80s. THAT synth is there...all ingredients to make this old fart smile and get watery eyed are all there. There is a semi-vocal cut though that I cannot stop playing..."It's Yours" could easily be an unissued cut from 1985 / 1986 - think Projection "Luv Struck" and that glorious era...I am totally sold out on this album and I know that when exposed in all the right places it's going to do very well indeed. I truly hope that we have more work released from these guys, and that we also have a few more guest vocals...say James Robinson, Audrey Wheeler, Meli'sa Morgan...oh, I can dream...Please do not let this CD slip away as it is totally essential.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe