"So Much" is a blisteringly good track - plenty of atmosphere...horns, guitar and a rich musical tapestry covers this with much elegance. These songs yet again prove Darnell Kendricks as a real, genuine and proper bonafide soul singer and writer. Versatility is also the name of the game. Check the jazzy piano led, stripped down and no-nonsense "After Dinner" which turns the album around on a pin head! Jeff Ponders' sax reprise is very refreshing too, and the more I hear like this out of the dear old US of A the better. The buoyancy of "You Took My Loneliness" is truly uplifting...the experience of finding real love must be very special indeed, and how many of us await such a revelation in our lives? Following this, naturally I suppose, we have "Joy" - a juicy morsel of a track which adds a little warmth to our cold, cold winter days. An additional bonus from his Japanese BMFN release is the Diggyism remix of "Good Love". This is a great song with panache, fizz and plenty of verve. Oh, this really does make the heart sing, and I implore you to take a seat at the Smooth Soul Café. the music there is great!
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe.
The Vibe Scribe.