It's an unbelievable 24 years since Thomas and Taylor struck gold in the UK pop charts with the SUPERB "You Can't Blame Love". The song has been a staple part of my diet ever since it's release here in the UK on the old Cooltempo record label and today it stands as a monument to classy mid 80s soul music, and a testament to the talents of Lamar Thomas and Judy Taylor. This album is one that allows this 80s soul classic to shine, and also showcases 15 other fine efforts, some of which unreleased til now. Some of these tunes...my goodness! These would have been HUGE on the soul scene had they been issued at the time!!! Take the wonderful second cut..."You Bring Me Joy" - on the heels of the brilliant Soul II Soul urban soul flavour comes this MONSTER! They could easily have had another pop crossover hit with this. I can so imagine that, and am only thankful that it is now available for us all to fall in love with now. Another hitherto unreleased track is the independent, southern flavoured "That's What Love Will Bring You". Lamar and Judy interplay magnificently here and have, on this release, already given us three solid reasons to buy this CD - and we're only on track three!!!
"I Will Be Your Friend" has a great 1987 feel to it...think about the Sunset Strip sound at that time, Sergeant Tucker...World Class Wreckin' Cru...you're not far removed from there. Very summery and classy to boot. Another unreleased gem is far more up to date, and that is a beat-driven head-nodder called "My Love" where Judy Taylor takes the lead. This track has some kick when played loudly, and again could have caused a stir should it have been in the public domain at the time. Same goes for two tracks called "Special" - two remixes, in fact, a soulful one and a remix that is equally as soulful with a great sax break. The basspin rumbles and the vocals are absolutely superb. These sound to me like brand new songs and I can heartily recommend both in equal measure. This release is one of a soulful trio of releases, and I shall be covering all three. Well worth a purchase and great to hear these previously unissued songs here and now.
Barry Towler The Vibe Scribe