I have always loved David Hudson. I was playing his seminal 1987 "Nite And Day" but earlier today and it still gives me a great, great feeling inside. His material in the 70s and 80s for labels such as TK, Alston and Waylo are must-haves and should be in any connoisseur's collection. This single is another fantastic addition to this catalogue of tunes. This would have been a Robbie Vincent smash had it been available at the time and I would like to think he would give it some airplay on his new slot on Jazz FM. The keys are warm Fender Rhodes, the drum beat programmed in that typically 80s fashion, but the Memphis horns add that gritty edge. David needs no hype. Such a talented singer and a genuine talent that deserves much more greatness that he has hitherto been granted. Please take the time to check out this superb release. The question is...how many more gems like this lie covered in dust somewhere in someone's studios????
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe