I am really taken with the broken beat / house number "Mesoterapia" which has been remixed by Barcelona DJ and all-round decent chap DJ Fudge! This is a GROOVE. Electronic yes but full of stonking house rhythms and a deeply soulful undertone. LOVE the ascending synth and strings. Very late 70s and also very much in today's Club vibe. All things come around again do they not?! talking of which, the 50s jazz freestyle sound meets house music head on in a delicious collision with Who Is Back's "Jumpin' To The Bardbox". This is an excellent, fun, addictive dancer. This is hot out of Italy, and you know full well what I think about their place in the modern jazz world...they reign supreme. Parov Stelar's groove, "Catgroove" - the Club Mix - is a perfect match for this Italian tune, adding a funky 70s disco flavour too. SUPERB. Even for a crusty conservative old rush of wind like me! I also recommend the pulsating, deep house rhythms of Mesa Verde's "Jimbo". I play this again and again. Jazzy, free and subliminally addictive. Great stuff! The song I am sure you will all fall for is the excellent "You Make It Easy" from the WK Collective. This is soulful house at it's best and the female vocalist tears down the house. Superb and eminently listenable. Highly recommended, and released on the 19th of February.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe